Tag Archives: yonghe

Leading Hair Salon 令島髮藝

25 Feb

DSCN4396  Leading Hair Salon 令島髮藝

Address: 新北市永和區水源街34號

Hours: 11:00-21:00, closed Tuesdays 週二公休

Phone number for appointments 預約專線: (02) 29200128



Rebecca told me about this cat hair salon in Yonghe. It has three Scottish fold cats who are friendly to customers but not to each other. This beautiful cat was enjoying the sunshine and greeting customers. 這間在永和的髮藝沙龍有三隻很可愛的貓. 牠們對人很好, 對其它貓很兇. 這隻貓在門口跟客人打招呼.


I didn’t make an appointment ahead of time but was lucky that they had one open. Although I’d been planning to just get a trim, I ended up deciding to get a straight perm and they did a great job with that. That also meant I spent several hours there and could observe the cats more. The one in the doorway is a female and the best-tempered of them. The other two are males, and they despise each other. 我沒有先預約, 但是我很幸運他們有空. 我原本只要剪頭髮, 後來決定燙頭髮. 我覺得他們做得很好. 我還有很多時間可以看貓. 在門口的貓是母的, 她很乖. 還有兩隻公的, 他們會常常打架.

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The one on the left got up from his spot and the white one came and took it. He wanted vengeance, but the hairstylist foiled his plan by picking him up and asking me to hold him. He squirmed and glared, but he won’t hurt people, so he finally settled down on my lap and let me cuddle him. 左邊的離開他的位置, 白色的去坐那邊. 左邊的回來很生氣, 要打架. 但是髮型師給我抱牠. 我抱牠在我身上; 牠還是一點生氣, 但是牠不會咬人.

I would recommend this place both for the quality of the haircuts and for the cats! 我會推薦這間因為剪頭髮很好還有貓很可愛!

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Cafe Fima (菲瑪咖啡)

11 Aug

CIMG0978 Cafe Fima (菲瑪咖啡)

Address: 新北市永和區仁愛路300號

Hours: 13:00-22:00, closed Wednesdays

Minimum cost per person 每人最低消費: NT$100

This is another cafe with only one cat, but it’s definitely worth visiting. Cappu 卡布 is an adorable blue-grey Scottish fold. When I got there, she was asleep under a chair.

這個咖啡館只有一隻貓, 還是一個不要錯過的地方. 卡布是一個很可愛的灰色蘇格蘭折耳貓. 我來的時候, 牠在椅子下面睡覺.


This cafe smelled wonderfully of coffee beans because they also grind and sell bags of beans. They have a wide variety of coffees from around the world to choose from.  A cafe Americano hot or iced is just NT$100, and it doesn’t cost extra to add flavored syrup to it. Coffee with alcohol is NT$150, and I had one with Kahlua.

咖啡館有超好的味道因為他們也在賣咖啡豆, 他們自己碾的. 他們有很多全世界的咖啡. 一杯美式咖啡(冰/熱) 只要NTS$100, 如果你想加口味(薄荷,焦糖,之類的)不用加錢. 咖啡加酒是NT$150. 我點一杯黑咖啡加卡魯亞酒, 很好喝.


Eventually, Cappu came out from under the chair to eat.

終於卡布出現, 來吃東西.


While I was drinking my coffee, I noticed that the girl at the table next to mine had the same cat cafes book that I have. She said that she’d been to a lot of the cafes in the book too. She asked the owner to take a picture of us with the books. Here it is:

我喝咖啡的時候, 我發現一個女生在我旁邊的桌子也有 ‘貓日和咖啡館’! 她也有去過很多貓咖啡館. 她請老闆幫我們拍照.


The owner also brought Cappu outside so we could take better pictures of her.



CIMG0999CIMG1001Like some other cat cafe cats, Cappu has her own business card, and this one is the best yet! At first, it looks like a normal business card, still very cute:卡布有自己的名片! 我沒看濄怎麼有創造的名片! 我先以為是普通的名片, 還是很可愛: CIMG1004

But, it folds open like this: 可是, 你可以打開這樣:


Then, you can turn it over and cut out these piece that look like this: 然後,把它 反起來, 剪這些卡片:

CIMG1005And fold them together to make this! 最後一步


And don’t worry about losing the information on the business card by cutting it up. It’s also printed on the side of the cat! 別擔心失去名片的資料, 貓旁邊還有!
