Archive | January, 2016

Corgi at 品客 (Classic) 品客有柯基犬

23 Jan

I’ve written about this cafe before and it’s one of my favorites. They have three beautiful, friendly cats. But today I found out that the owners sometimes bring a dog! Pooka is an adorable Corgi who runs to greet customers when they come in. He loves attention and gets along well with the cats. 我有寫過這間 咖啡館, 來過好幾次, 很喜歡. 他們有三隻很漂亮的貓. 但是今天是我第一次看到他們偶爾帶一隻狗! Pooka是一隻很可愛的柯基犬, 他看到客人他很開心. 他很喜歡人, 他也跟貓可以相處.


Doorway Cafe 兜味

21 Jan

DSCN7375Doorway Cafe 兜味

Address: 台北市大同區安西街36號

Hours: 13:00-19:00, closed Tuesdays 週二公休

Phone: 02-2557-3169

Minimum cost per person 每人最低消費: NT$90


Located near Dihua Shopping Street, this is a pet cafe rather than a cat cafe. The owners do have a cat that comes sometimes, but it wasn’t there today. Still, they have lots of pictures of cats around. 離迪化街很近, 這是一間寵物咖啡, 不是貓咖啡. 老闆有一隻貓, 牠偶爾會來, 但是今天不在. 他們還是有很多貓圖片.

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People are welcome to bring their own pets, cats or dogs. Today, some people brought a friendly little dog in a sweater. It’s harder to get good pictures of dogs because they move around too fast, though. 客人可以帶自己的寵物, 貓, 狗, 都可以. 今天人代ㄧ隻很可愛的小狗, 穿者毛衣. 但是他動太快, 我沒有拍到牠.

The menu has interesting, punny names for the items. 菜單很有趣, 飲料, 食物的名字都有創造.


I had a yogurt soda with kumquat (NT$100) and French bread with cheese on it (NT$80). These were very good. The owner also gave me some freshly made little egg cake things. 我喝’多多狠生氣 (NT$100), 吃孤獨法國仛 (NT$80), 都好吃, 好喝. 好有老闆送我一些小雞蛋糕.

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This is a cute, cozy cafe and a nice place to work or read even if it doesn’t have a cat most of the time. The dog that was there was sweet and people can always bring in different pets. 這間咖啡館很舒服, 一個好地方看書, 用電腦. 平常沒有貓, 但是還是有可愛的寵物.