Archive | March, 2014


3 Mar

DSCN0326 紅薔薇

Address: 新竹縣尖石鄉新樂村煤源段拉號部落

Hours: 9:30-20:00

Minimum cost per person 每人最低消費: NT$100



This wasn’t in any cat cafe books. A friend found it by doing a search for places with cats around 尖石鄉. This is a large restaurant with beautiful gardens and a campground next to it. They have 12 cats in all, indoor/outdoor cats, so there are only a couple in the restaurant.

貓咖啡書沒有這間. 我朋友找到, 找尖石鄉什麼地方有貓. 這是一個很大的餐廳, 有很漂亮的花園, 旁邊有綠營. 他們有12隻貓, 但是大部分在外面.



Entry tickets to the park/garden area is NT$100. If you order from the restaurant, the ticket price is deducted from the bill.

公園/花園門票是NT$100, 但是在餐廳點餐可以扣掉那個錢.

DSCN0345A few cats wandered around the restaurant. They weren’t really interested in people, but seemed more interested in finding food.

餐廳裡有一些貓. 貓不想理人, 但是他們看到食物有興趣.


DSCN0355The menu has a wide selection of options, and the food was ok. The atmosphere is what really makes it worth visiting though.

菜單有很多選擇. 我覺得還好, 但是這邊最好處是氣氛, 風景.

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Fat Cat’s Story 肥貓故事館

2 Mar

DSCN0293 Fat Cat’s Story肥貓故事館

Address: 台南市北區北門路二段297號

Hours: 11:00-21:00, Closed Tuesdays 週二公休

Minimum Cost Per Person 每人最低消費: NT80



I went to this cat cafe in Tainan before going to the Yanshui Fireworks Festival. It only has two cats, but it’s very cute and definitely worth going to. It has photographs taken by the owner and other cat related exhibits by artists and design students.

我去台南去鹽水蜂炮的時候去這咖啡館. 只有兩隻貓, 但是店非常可愛, 不要錯過的地方. 有老闆的攝影, 還有其他設計學生, 藝術家做的關於貓的東西.



One of the cats is very friendly and sits in customers’ laps. The other one is shy and spends most of its time hiding in the kitchen.

一隻貓很喜歡坐在客人身上. 第二個比較害羞, 多再廚房.


The menu was simple, basic coffee drinks and also fresh-baked desserts. I just had an Americano, which was good.

菜單很簡單, 咖啡和手工甜點. 我喝美式咖啡.


La Boheme 波希米亞人咖啡

2 Mar

DSCN0200 La Boheme 波希米亞人咖啡

Address: 台北市大同區長安西路76號B1 (Near Zhongshan MRT)

Hours: 12:00-22:00 (Closed Mondays 週一公休)

Minimum Cost Per Person每人最低消費: NT100

I went to this cafe a few weeks ago, right after the Chinese New Year holidays. (It’s just about 100 meters from Mask Cat, and I’d definitely recommend Mask Cat over this!) It was a rainy, depressing day, and this cafe is in a basement, so it’s already a bit dark. It does have some cute decorations, but the overall design and lighting is not impressive.

我幾個禮拜前. 過年之後去這間咖啡館 (理貓妝很近, 我比較推薦貓妝!). 那天下雨, 咖啡在地下樓, 所以已經有點暗. 有一些可愛的裝飾, 但是沒有什麼特別設計, 還是太暗.


They have two orange cats, Orange and Grapefruit. I love orange cats and they looked cute, but they weren’t very friendly.

他們有兩隻橘色貓, 柚子和橘子. 我愛橘色貓, 牠們很可愛, 但是牠們好像怕人.

DSCN0216The customers were some elderly people who were talking loudly, and coffee shop worker/owner(?)’s family who were also kind of loud and eating some food that they didn’t buy there that didn’t smell very good. I’d brought my computer, but didn’t get much work done. I order an afternoon tea set (NT170), tiramisu and Viennese coffee. That was pretty good. Still, I much prefer Mask Cat.

客人都是老人, 講話有點大聲. 海有店員家人也是有点吵, 吃臭的東西他們從別的餐廳外帶. 我有帶電腦, 但是我覺得這種環境不適合工作.我點下午茶 (NT170) 提拉米蘇, 維也納咖啡, 還不錯. 但是我還是比較喜歡貓妝.

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