Tag Archives: 狗

Hachiko Coffee (Vietnam 越南)

11 Jun

DSCN8093Hachiko Coffee

Address 地址: 14 Hoa Sua, Phu Nhuan District

Hours 營業時間: 7:00-22:30

Minimum cost per person 每人最低消費: VND45,000 (about $2)


This dog cafe has about 25 friendly dogs on two floors. When I first went in, they showed me into the room on the first floor. It’s open in the center for the dogs to run around and has benches around the walls for people to sit on and shelves for them to put drinks. I ordered an iced tea and went to play with the dogs. 這間狗咖啡有大概25隻很可愛的狗, 有兩樓. 我剛進去, 店員帶我去一樓的房間. 中間失控的, 狗可以玩. 有長椅子客人可以坐還有架子可以放杯子. 我點冰紅茶, 繼續跟狗玩.

They had a Chinese Crested dog, a rare hairless breed that I’d only seen pictures of before. It was very sweet and friendly, and it soon curled up on my lap. 他們有一隻很特別的無毛狗,中過冠毛犬. 牠很可愛, 很喜歡人. 牠快來坐在我身上.

After a while, the staff asked if I wanted to go to the second floor. The second floor had even more dogs than the first, mostly large ones. 晚一點, 店員說我可以去二樓. 二樓有更多狗, 還有比較大的狗.

They were all beautiful, and I especially liked the big husky. This isn’t the kind of cafe where one could work or quietly sip a coffee, but it’s a great place to see and play with lots of different kinds of dogs. 多很漂亮, 我很喜歡一隻很大的哈士奇. 這種咖啡不適合工作, 安靜喝咖啡, 但是一個很好的地方跟很多不一樣的狗玩.


23 Aug


Address: 新北市板橋區文聖街207號1樓(Closest MRT 江子翠)

Phone: 02-2250-1377

Hours:  平日11:00-21:00 (Closed Mondays週一公休), weekends 假日11:00-22:00

Minimum cost per person 每人最低消費: NT$100



A friend brought me to this Banqiao pet cafe. They’re a bit more dog-focused in that people bring their dogs there and the cafe’s own dogs are out in the dining area while the cats are shut in a separate area. But they do have lots of adorable cats and the main cafe dog, Hook, is very sweet. 一個朋友帶我去這間寵物咖啡在板橋. 他們比較像狗咖啡因為人會帶自己的狗, 還有用餐區有狗. 貓都關在裡外區. 但是貓還是很可愛, 還有狗店長Hook也非常可愛.

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Hook was a stray and he was very thin and weak when they found him, so they named him Hook in hopes that he would be tough someday. He did become beautiful and healthy, but his gentle personality is nothing like the legendary villain’s. Hook以前是流浪狗. 老闆開始養他的時候, 他很瘦,很弱. 他們希望他會兇一點, 所以叫他’Hook’. 他變成很漂亮,很健康, 但是他很溫柔, 一點都不兇.

The cats are in an enclosed area and can be seen through the glass. Some are temporary residents of the pet hotel and others are ones that the cafe owners have decided to adopt or are putting up for adoption. 貓都關在貓區. 一些住在寵物旅館, 大部分是店員領養的或許要給人領養.

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They had two very young kittens that they had rescued and were thinking of putting up for adoption, but they’ve decided they are probably going to keep them. 有兩隻很小貓. 店員本來要找人領養, 現在他們可能想自己養.

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There are lots of cute decorations around, some cat and dog-related and other just interesting, like this collection of Mr Potatoheads有很多可愛的裝飾,一些關於寵物, 一些只是有趣:


DSCN5284The menu has a good variety of set meals. I had chicken meatballs and rice that came with black tea (NT$240). I didn’t notice it on the menu but later saw they had cat beer on display. 菜單有好幾個套餐. 我點雞肉,蘑菇番茄反, 還有紅茶 (NT$240). 我在菜單沒看到, 以後看他們也有貓啤酒.


This is another one of the cafe’s dogs who was cute and friendly. 這隻狗也是他們的.

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Some customers brought their own dog and it pooped on the floor. At least they did clean up after it quickly. Customers’ dogs are also required to wear diapers to prevent some ‘accidents’. (Below is just an example of the diaper from a dog in the downstairs pet hotel area). 客人有帶狗, 狗大便在地下. 但是他們很快清理. 客人的狗都需要帶尿布. 下面是一隻狗在寵物飯店區.


This is a nice cafe and the pet hotel looks good clean, lots of space for the dogs and very clean. 我喜歡這間咖啡館, 寵物飯店業看起來很好, 很乾淨,狗有很大的空間.

Lang Lang Don’t Cry 浪浪別哭

18 Aug

DSCN5251Lang Lang Don’t Cry 浪浪別哭

Address: 台北市中山區華陰街24巷3弄7號 (Taipei Main Station, exit R1)

Phone 電話: 02-2523-0533

Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 週二-天: 11:00-21:00, Closed Mondays 週一公休

Minimum cost per person: NT$100

This cafe just opened this month. It isn’t exactly a cat cafe, but they will have cats sometimes. They’re still worth visiting because of what they do for stray animals. The cafe is located in a traditional old house near Taipei Main Station. The owners’ grandmother left them the house and she had always helped stray animals, so they wanted to continue her work. They will temporarily take in stray animals and customers can adopt them. We were greeted by the dog waiter, the only permanent resident. 這間這個月剛開業. 不算貓咖啡但是他們偶爾會有貓. 我覺得來這邊值得因為他們幫助流浪貓. 在台北車站附近, 這間是在一個古老的房子. 老闆的奶奶以前住在這裡, 都很照顧流浪動物. 她去世以後老闆想開這間, 繼續幫流浪動物. 他們在餐廳會有一些流浪動物, 客人可以領養. 他們還有一隻狗一直留在這裡, 他是一個很可愛的服務員.

DSCN5207They did have a cat, but it had just been adopted that day. With the cafe’s popularity, it seems that pets are being adopted quickly, which is great. The cafe is very busy and reservations are recommended.  The furniture is old-fashioned, in keeping with the style of the building. 他們有一隻貓, 但是我們來的時候, 貓已經被領養的. 因為這間最近很流行, 好像動物很快被領養的, 這是很好事. 客人很多, 所以限訂位比較好. 店裡的設計都很古老.



The menu is very cute and includes the story of how the cafe started. There’s also a page where you can order dog food. 3% of all profit from the cafe goes to help stray animals. I had a ‘burrito’, really more of a wrap sandwich, that came with salad, fries and black tea (NT$240). It was pretty good. The menu is simple, with only a few meal and drink options. This is a nice place to visit and a good way to help stray animals. 菜單很可愛. 裡面有他們的故事. 人還是可以點狗飼料. 3% 的消費他們都捐給流浪動物. 我點墨西哥卷, 有薯條沙拉, 還有紅茶 (NT$240). 菜單很簡單, 沒有痕都選擇. 這間的環境很好, 還有區這裡可以幫流浪動物.

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Spring Day Pet Cafe 小春日和

2 Oct

CIMG1424 Spring Day Pet Cafe 小春日和

Address: 台北市延壽街361號

Hours: 11:00-21:00

This “pet cafe” with both cats and dogs is near Cafe Ballet in Minsheng Neighborhood. I found out about it on this blog. It has a huge list of cat cafes all over Taiwan, many more than are in the book.

這間寵物咖啡館有貓和狗, 在民生社區,裡芭蕾咖啡館很近. 我在這個部落格找到. 這個部落格有寫很多貓咖啡館, 在全台灣, 很有趣.

People can also bring their own pets to the cafe, so the first pet I saw was this dog:

客人可以帶寵物, 所以我進去咖啡, 第一個寵物是牠: CIMG1430

This little dog belongs to the cafe: CIMG1448

And this one seemed to be another customer’s dog, but he was so cute and friendly I took quite a few pictures of him. 這個好像時一個客人的狗, 但是他很可愛, 所以我拍了好幾張.

CIMG1426The two cats got along very well with the dogs. 貓跟狗合住很好.


Here’s their beautiful, long-haired cat, Fairy: 這隻是他們超漂亮的Fairy:


And the other adorable kitty: 還有這隻可愛的貓咪:CIMG1453

I ordered a chocolate banana frappuccino, which was very good: 我點一個好喝的巧克力香蕉冰沙.


The cafe was clean and also had cute pet-related decor. 咖啡很乾淨, 還有很多可愛的裝潢.

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Cat Rain 貓雨咖啡

15 Aug

CIMG1063  Cat Rain 貓雨咖啡

Address: 新北市淡水區公明街61號 (Near Danshui MRT)

Hours: M-F 12:00-somewhere between 20-22:00 (時間比較彈性) Sat. 9:00-~, Sun. 10:00-~

Minimum cost per person 每人最低消: NT$100

This was one of the best yet because it had so many friendly cats and also three dogs and it was still clean! They sell entrance tickets for NT$100, but that amount will be applied to your meal. In front of the store, they have a stand selling fried chicken, French fries and other fried things, and people can just get that to go without buying a ticket. A dog came out front to greet us and seemed to be leading us inside after we bought the tickets.

這是一個很讚的貓咖啡館因為有很多可愛的貓還有三隻狗, 還是很乾淨! 人需要先買NT$100的門票, 但是買單的時候他們會扣掉. 在店前面, 他們在賣炸雞, 薯條, 這類的. 外帶沒進去不用買票. 我們買票的時候, 一隻可愛的狗來歡迎我們進去.

CIMG1122They had two black dogs and one yellow dog, all friendly and energetic. They moved too quickly for me to get good pictures of them.

他們有兩隻黑色狗, 一隻黃色的, 都很可愛, 但是牠們動的很快, 所以很難拍到牠們.

The cats were all over the place 貓很多:

CIMG1068CIMG1085CIMG1093CIMG1102CIMG1117CIMG1134The menu has many set meals to choose from, most for NT$290. My friend and I both had the fried chicken, French fries, fruit and drink set. 牠們的菜單有很多套餐, 大部分NT$290. 我跟我朋友都選擇炸雞, 薯條, 水果, 飲料的套餐.

CIMG1123And after we ate, someone told us there were even more cats upstairs! All of the cats and dogs were strays that the cafe owner has taken in. 我們吃飯以後, 一個人說漏下有更多貓! 全部的貓, 狗一前是流浪的.

CIMG1138CIMG1142CIMG1143Some of the cats went to check out our bags when we set them down upstairs. 我們的包包很吸引貓咪.
