
23 Aug


Address: 新北市板橋區文聖街207號1樓(Closest MRT 江子翠)

Phone: 02-2250-1377

Hours:  平日11:00-21:00 (Closed Mondays週一公休), weekends 假日11:00-22:00

Minimum cost per person 每人最低消費: NT$100



A friend brought me to this Banqiao pet cafe. They’re a bit more dog-focused in that people bring their dogs there and the cafe’s own dogs are out in the dining area while the cats are shut in a separate area. But they do have lots of adorable cats and the main cafe dog, Hook, is very sweet. 一個朋友帶我去這間寵物咖啡在板橋. 他們比較像狗咖啡因為人會帶自己的狗, 還有用餐區有狗. 貓都關在裡外區. 但是貓還是很可愛, 還有狗店長Hook也非常可愛.

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Hook was a stray and he was very thin and weak when they found him, so they named him Hook in hopes that he would be tough someday. He did become beautiful and healthy, but his gentle personality is nothing like the legendary villain’s. Hook以前是流浪狗. 老闆開始養他的時候, 他很瘦,很弱. 他們希望他會兇一點, 所以叫他’Hook’. 他變成很漂亮,很健康, 但是他很溫柔, 一點都不兇.

The cats are in an enclosed area and can be seen through the glass. Some are temporary residents of the pet hotel and others are ones that the cafe owners have decided to adopt or are putting up for adoption. 貓都關在貓區. 一些住在寵物旅館, 大部分是店員領養的或許要給人領養.

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They had two very young kittens that they had rescued and were thinking of putting up for adoption, but they’ve decided they are probably going to keep them. 有兩隻很小貓. 店員本來要找人領養, 現在他們可能想自己養.

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There are lots of cute decorations around, some cat and dog-related and other just interesting, like this collection of Mr Potatoheads有很多可愛的裝飾,一些關於寵物, 一些只是有趣:


DSCN5284The menu has a good variety of set meals. I had chicken meatballs and rice that came with black tea (NT$240). I didn’t notice it on the menu but later saw they had cat beer on display. 菜單有好幾個套餐. 我點雞肉,蘑菇番茄反, 還有紅茶 (NT$240). 我在菜單沒看到, 以後看他們也有貓啤酒.


This is another one of the cafe’s dogs who was cute and friendly. 這隻狗也是他們的.

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Some customers brought their own dog and it pooped on the floor. At least they did clean up after it quickly. Customers’ dogs are also required to wear diapers to prevent some ‘accidents’. (Below is just an example of the diaper from a dog in the downstairs pet hotel area). 客人有帶狗, 狗大便在地下. 但是他們很快清理. 客人的狗都需要帶尿布. 下面是一隻狗在寵物飯店區.


This is a nice cafe and the pet hotel looks good clean, lots of space for the dogs and very clean. 我喜歡這間咖啡館, 寵物飯店業看起來很好, 很乾淨,狗有很大的空間.

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