Tag Archives: dog cafe

Hachiko Coffee (Vietnam 越南)

11 Jun

DSCN8093Hachiko Coffee

Address 地址: 14 Hoa Sua, Phu Nhuan District

Hours 營業時間: 7:00-22:30

Minimum cost per person 每人最低消費: VND45,000 (about $2)


This dog cafe has about 25 friendly dogs on two floors. When I first went in, they showed me into the room on the first floor. It’s open in the center for the dogs to run around and has benches around the walls for people to sit on and shelves for them to put drinks. I ordered an iced tea and went to play with the dogs. 這間狗咖啡有大概25隻很可愛的狗, 有兩樓. 我剛進去, 店員帶我去一樓的房間. 中間失控的, 狗可以玩. 有長椅子客人可以坐還有架子可以放杯子. 我點冰紅茶, 繼續跟狗玩.

They had a Chinese Crested dog, a rare hairless breed that I’d only seen pictures of before. It was very sweet and friendly, and it soon curled up on my lap. 他們有一隻很特別的無毛狗,中過冠毛犬. 牠很可愛, 很喜歡人. 牠快來坐在我身上.

After a while, the staff asked if I wanted to go to the second floor. The second floor had even more dogs than the first, mostly large ones. 晚一點, 店員說我可以去二樓. 二樓有更多狗, 還有比較大的狗.

They were all beautiful, and I especially liked the big husky. This isn’t the kind of cafe where one could work or quietly sip a coffee, but it’s a great place to see and play with lots of different kinds of dogs. 多很漂亮, 我很喜歡一隻很大的哈士奇. 這種咖啡不適合工作, 安靜喝咖啡, 但是一個很好的地方跟很多不一樣的狗玩.